Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tonight is the night

我們即將出發,Langkawi 我來了!!

期待已久,多次只是說說,並沒有特意去安排行程,這次我們真的上路了!好期待明天早上抵達 Kuala Perlis 然後從那裡上船,一個小時候到達 Langkawi到小島。 真是期待再加期待啊~ 

親愛的天父呀,請您陪伴著我們的行程,平平安安地到達。讓我們在島上都能夠快快樂樂,一切都順順利利~ 有個快快樂樂的假日。


Time flies...







Egi and I
The Library, Mid Valley.




因此,为了不再让自己感到内疚,或是觉得自己好像欠自己什么似的,我答应自己,从Langkawi 回来了之后,一定要好好地去干一场!虽然不知道结果将如何,不去好好干一场哪知道啊?

所以,为了我的将来,为了更好的未来,为了我所承诺的一切,我一定得好好努力,因为,“一言既出,驷马难追” 我已经没得回头了。



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

























Sunday, October 27, 2013

BTC 3rd class

It's today, again! I'm sitting in the train while posting this. I have like few stops to write so it won't be long~ :)

I'm just feeling awful that I haven't done much since the second class from 2 weeks ago. Right here, right now, I'm going to list the things that I was supposed to do but haven't yet done anything. There's reasons for that, I shall give myself a review of what to do every now and then, and find a way to be more productive.

Things that I'm supposed to do in the past 2 weeks:
Demo x10(done 7 by showing videos)
Print photos for my dream board
Write a letter 
Listen to CD 

Yes, these are the things that I'm supposed to do. Now that I have written it down here I cannot anymore find any excuses to brush it away. 

I'm Arriving the station so till then!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Letter

I have been told to write a letter to someone whom I think I should give all the credits to, in fact, ALL of us from the BTC class were told to write a letter to that very person whom you think you really wanna give thanks to. Tell him or her what you're really appreciated for, your apologies, and what is your future planning and what is it that you're going to do next.

I have been thinking of writing to my parents, to the lecturer in my college whom I once really hated but I have come to like him this semester, but I really couldn't think of anything to write about. Well, it's not that I have nothing to appreciate about my parents or the lecturers in my college. In fact, if I were to write one letter for one of them I would have to write for everyone of them, LOL! Anyways, there's this person who I have been thinking. And yes, I think she would be the perfect target for me to jot down my thoughts, my appreciations, my apologies, and my future planning and targets.

This is getting me really excited, except that I'm really tired at the point of this time. I'm still ill and it's 3:41am, I should really sleep before my immune system go down again, although it's really unlikely but yeah.

I'm really proud of myself this week, I have been ill this whole week but I have seen a few improvements in myself, although I do admit I need to be more productive. It's ok... slow but steady, I shall first stand strong on my basics, so I could build this building higher! :)

Ah ya ya my eyes are shutting down, I hafta go to slee....p... l..ike...

Tadaaaaa~ ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


從「打噴涕」到「癌症」的九 個發展步驟:


1, 打噴嚏:

2, 咳嗽:

3, 乏力沒有食慾:

4, 發燒:

這表示病原菌進入了血液系統,身體就啟動免疫力,表現為發燒,要將病原菌燒死,當溫度升高到38 .5度時,免疫力會增加一倍,溫度升到40度,大部份病毒將被燒死,此時只要喝足夠的水,人體永遠不會燒出問題。如果此時打退燒針吃退燒藥,卻反而幫了病毒的忙。於是身體進入第五個階段。

5, 過敏:


6, 發炎:


7, 潰瘍:


8, 纖維化:


9, 腫瘤化:

細胞為了適應新的環境,只有突變,於是累積成腫瘤。腫瘤細胞是在嚴重缺水、缺氧、缺營養的情況下才會形成。從一個腫瘤細胞發展到綠豆大小需要10 -15年,而從綠豆大小發展成雞蛋大小只需要1年,因此癌症的潛伏期最少需要10-15年的時間。

從「打噴涕」到「癌症」的九 個發展步驟各位朋友看完本文以後不要再隨便去打針吃藥了!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Need to carry on

Haven't been really productive lately for I -don't-know-what reason~ :( I wanna keep moving forward and it seems easy to move on to the next step but I have no idea what is stopping me.

I have opened an online store, mostly base on phone and computer accessories, small things~ guess I have been quite busy this few days because of that store, looking up and down for a product that I think the audience would like. After all, I just wanna earn a little pocket money from those little things I'm selling, and I hope I will.

Inspiration? Nothing, just really desperate in getting some money because I know I can't forever depend on my parents, I need something to support myself and now that I'm thinking, making music isn't really my kinda thing to do. Although I have always liked to strum on my guitar and always liked singing, I seem to find it kinda pressuring me nowadays.

I once heard this say, "興趣不能飯吃;因為當你把興趣拿來當飯吃的時候,它就不再是興趣,反而成為了你的壓力。” (You can't make money with your hobby; because when you do, it will become a pressure instead of hobby.) I guess it pretty much make a lot of senses, well, for most people, tell me I'm wrong.

Nope, I'm not going to let go of my hobby, but I'm sure right now, that I won't make it a "job", I would do it when I want to, and I won't do it when I don't feel like it. Sounds pretty fair, isn't it? Isn't it what "hobby" is supposed to be? And I'm going to make sure in the future, I have plenty of time for my hobby! ;) Well, for that I have to make tons and tons of money, and I will. With Amway being with me, I'm sure I will be able to do that.

Nope, I'm not crazy. I'm saying this because I, personally believe Amway is freaking worth it. I'm not gonna talk much about it, if you are reading this, and you're wondering, just go find out by yourself, ask anyone whose an Amway user, they're loyal for a reason, because Amway is loyal to e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e of us, that's why. Go find out yourself. Or if you're curious, I will be updating a lot more about Amway in the future, too. For my future reference when I look back! ;)

One thing I'm sure is that, I will not leave, or even give up of Amway, this great partner of my life. A company which is willing to share it's share with you, and you getting a factory price, at the same time, you could get back your own money each time you purchase and item, if that's not good enough, then I don't know what is.

Not only that, when you decided you don't wanna work, or you can't work anymore, you can pass your position to your spouse, or even your next generation, let them continue your glorious achievements, instead of starting all the waaaay back from 0%. If that's not good enough, I don't know what is.

I love Amway all because of their simple philosophy: Freedom, Reward, Family, and Hope. It's the Founders' beliefs.

Well I hate to discontinue this but I guess it's really time for me to go to bed, I have to go to BTC tomorrow in the morning! damn! I won't have enough sleep then.

So in the end, I'm here to remind myself that I have to keep moving on. Stop for awhile to take some rest is good sometimes, but I can't take this break any longer. Like the arrow story that I have always told myself. If an archer is going to shoot an arrow, it had to take time. I will be patient, and I will keep moving!

It's good to take it out, really. I don't even know who would be reading this but I can't really be bothered right now. I'm just typing whatever I wanna, and it's for ME, myself. Although, shoot me if you have any doubts or opinion! ;)


Sunday, October 06, 2013




     如上图:丁伟(左),内蒙古包头市巨凯集团董事长,资产53亿,现如今和夫人兼职从事安利事业,今年即将参加营销精英海外研讨会。 韩宗佑(右),世界伍佰强职业培训师,只要在华南落户的伍佰强企业基本上全部接受过他的培训,多家上市公司的企业顾问…2012~13财年新晋安利中国营销总监。恭贺韩宗佑老师   

  张彩虹,陕西省西安宝天集团总经理,资产35亿,创利税8000万,先生是集团董事长,夫妻俩因为身体健康亮起红灯而接触纽崔莱,进而了解安利事业,今 天会场聆听张总分享,感慨万千!人这辈子,努力很重要,选择更重要!勤奋的双脚要踏在正确的道路上!一次正确的抉择胜过千百次的努力!

著名女作家沈思源 著有《我的太阳之子》等,也是媒体公众人物。以下摘自她的微博:

      有朋友对我走进安利不太理解,并給予我诚挚的忠告!我无比的感恩!因为他们担心我作为一个公众人物也许会因此催生他人对我的误会。如果诚实地道来,其 实我曾经对安利也有很多误解。觉得世界上有那么多事情可以做,为什么偏要去选择安利!但是因为我尊重差异的存在,我依然与几个安利人成了朋友。直到有一 天,我真正地走近他们,我发现他们身上那些闪亮的品质,彰显出人性的光芒!他们乐观、积极、友好、向上,并且乐于帮助他人。我看到一些原本因为贫穷而没能 接受教育的农民通过安利,竟然成为了一名营养学的专家。原本忙于传统事业而失去了健康的人们,因为安利而重新生机勃勃。原本那些平庸的人们因为安利而焕发 出生命的光彩……我感到好奇!于是我决定更深地走进他们。                                                                                                                                    

      当我了解越多,越被他们感动和震撼。我也深深意识到,人性的高贵不是因为你从事了什么职业,而是你生命的火花是否真的被点亮,你内在的灵性是否被真正 的唤醒!正如佛好,但并不是所有的信佛人都好!这不是佛的问题,而是人的问题。是 人自身有没有真正觉悟的问题!                                                                                                                                                              

      所以请朋友们放心,相信我是以一颗坦诚和觉知的心在从事每一件事情,无论我写书,做公司,还是在大家看来,我是如此不可思议地进入安利,我都问心无 愧。我只想告诉大家:无论我从事任何职业,我都在做同一件事,走进人的灵魂,帮助人们获得心灵的健康和身体的健康。就像我先生创立了PM人体自然恢复,我 之所以全力以赴地支持和付出,也是由于这个原因。我始终坚持一点,如果觉得这件事是对更多人有益的,那么就去做,有一天,人们终究会理解!再次真诚地感 恩!   ---摘自著名女作家沈思源微博



     如上图:照片最左边就是陕西汉中身高只有一米一的金坤老师, 三年前被朋友邀约参加纽崔莱健康跑活动走进安利环境,并且从此每会必到、紧紧跟随老师、跟随会议!  今天已经是安利公司的高级主任,并在一次外出跟随老师学习的时候认识自己的另一半,老婆传统行业非常优秀,身高近一米七,就是照片上金坤旁边穿白色裙子 的大美女!他老婆说为什么会选择坤哥?因为他虽然只有一米一的身高,但是他身上的坦诚以及心中内在的梦想的力量比很多一米八的男人还要强大很多很多!人因 梦想而伟大,绝对因选择而成功!相信永远比不相信多一次机会!


      如上图:轮椅上的臧琦    (安利的奇迹) 2004 年,她成为安利中国高级营销经理(钻石)级,买下了自己的房子和车子,带领着一群手脚健全的人们,学习如何运用命运的翅膀,创造奇迹。今年四十岁的臧琦, 因为使用安利的雅姿和纽崔莱营养补充,加上她使用的营养早餐和净食方法,如今,皮肤非常好,身体也很健康,并找到了非常爱她的先生。过着非常幸福而骄傲的 生活。 藏琦,让我们真真实实地知道,只要有梦想,有信念,就一定可以实现。没有任何借口。




   如上图示:这是一位70多岁的阿姨, 透过安利事业做到了营销经销,年收入过40万。有80岁的常青树,也有20岁的朽木。










Original site: 什么样的人能把安利做成功呢?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

First time to the house meeting~

Yeaaaaaaaap! It's today! The first time I go to an Amway's house meeting with Teng~ it was kinda fun~ with everyone discussing things of what we love, we share with our hearts. Well, it might sound weird but this is what I truly felt today, it was really a blessing to be able to meet many kind of people along the way, especially those who are kind to you, give chances to you and whatnot.

Today, some of us shared about why we chose to join Amway when there are so many other options to look at, explained the value that they have finally come to understand, and it was precious. People around us, they all have different stories, different opinion, and of course, different personalities. The more we sit down there together and talk, the more we understand, and appreciate each others' companion. 

Today, while Teng's father was talking about our "dreams" and targets, I have decided my target for this year, on Christmas day, is that I will buy myself an iPhone 5s as a Christmas present! ;D it's a pretty big deal for me because I could hardly save up such a big amount of money! And it would be around RM 3k for the latest iPhone, for sure. And yes, I'm gonna do it, and I'm not alone!!

This is the iPhone 5s model that I plan on buying~ the champagne colour~ ❤❤❤❤❤

Aside from that, I'm gonna make sure my parents will be able to eat Nutrilite easily as soon as possible, hopefully, also by the end of the year, and I also want to purchase eSpring, and yes, that would be my second target after iPhone 5s!! :D 

Now this is eSpring~~!!

Aaaaaaaaaand here's why I choose eSpring.

Well, there are so many other dreams I would love to achieve, but I have to make sure I'm able to achieve the smallest ones, that is, be a great daughter and get some reaaaaally good results!! I'm gonna get pass through this sem, and I'm thinking of learning more about Amway, Nutrilite, and Artistry, and everything... I'm gonna help those who needs help, but firstly I needa let myself learn more! 

Talking about dreams... I should really go to bed since its already 3:42am here... Good night people~~ xD

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bear paw paw~

Went to eat Bear Paw with Yee Meng, Novie, my egi and our lovely guest, Jesher, at Setapak near Genting Klang after all the activities in the college yesterday. I thought it would be something like a Malaysian traditional food or creation or something, but ended up it's actually some street food from Taiwan! Interesting enough, they were showing the food channel where they have recorded the Bear Paw interviews, so they were showing all the ideas and inspiration they got, and also the price of that cutie Bear Paw. Apparently it's freaking popular among the girls because of it's cute biggie paw on top of the bread! XD

This is the traditional style~! bread and the pork...!! *droooooools*

I used to eat this when we're eating together with my father's family in a Chinese restaurant in Taiwan where they serve a lot of  traditional food! They're just freaking yummmyyyyy!! And yesterday's Bear Paw reminded me of this! *drooooools again~~~~~*

Tadaaaaa!! This is the Bear Paw photo taken by Novie!! Too bad my camera was with Teng, or else I would have already taken a looooot of photos of this cutie paw!! XD

It cost me RM$9.9, kinda costy thought~ :( And from what I saw from the food channel which they were playing in the shop, the Bear Paw is only TWD$50!!! Which is less than RM$5 to be exact!! Omg I'm missing out so much of Taiwan's food!! I definitely won't be able to forgive myself if I don't get anything for myself to eat again this time I go back to Taiwan! XD

This is all of us together!! Novie from the far left, Yee Meng, me, Egi, and Jesher! :D

And after that we went to Festival City Mall to get ourselves some snacks and juice for tonight's Moon Cake Party with Andy, Noell, Yee Meng, Novie, Jesher, Egi and I~!! Too bad there weren't any photo taken because MY CAMERA WAS WITH TENG! Dammit! -.-

Alrighty righty~ This is all for today! I will be updating again soon~

Ja mataaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, August 21, 2013








Saturday, August 17, 2013

Random mood~

I haven't really been eating at Alibaba, a cafe/ restaurant/ mamak right outside of the car park in our Heritage condominium.. 

I feel like I have to blog but I have no idea about what.. I have been thinking of a lot of things these days but when I finally sit down properly and decide I wanna blog about something, My brain would suddenly go blank and have no idea about what to say, random things would just come popping around in my brain and I just couldn't put them in proper phrases. I guess I should just start jotting things down when they come running around in my mind~ for now I'll just let it settle~ 

Lunch, here I come!

Yes~ my lunch is at 4pm today because I woke up daaaaaaaaamn late today and yeah~ Nasi Goreng Ayam and Teh O Ice Limau!! As simple as that~ nanana~~


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Random coke~

I don't usually drink coke, and no, this is not mine but I saw the cute butterflies flying around on the cover I just feel like taking a picture of it. Sadly, my phone's camera has lost its focus function, so everything close up looks so damn blur and the background is just... Clear, or at least it looks ok~ meh~ >.<

Well, I've been thinking for awhile now, I wanna save money and get myself an iPhone 5, or maybe Galaxy S4, but well I guess I shall wait for the new iPhone to be released so I could compare before I jump to any conclusion of getting myself anything unnecessarily... Maybe I'll just wait till my phone die for real, then I'll get myself a new iPhone... First of all, I have to save enough money for that xD But I really really do look forward to the iOS 7!! It's really much, much better than the old one I'm using now~ lalalalala~

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Review on Night Essence of EDN (Envie De Neuf)

Before I come back to KL, my mom gave me this night essence which she said would sooth the pimple at night, which I never thought I would use since I hardly has pimple problem. But this day has come! For I don't know why!!! O.O Pimples are evil... veeeeeeeery evil!! Because whenever I have them, they're just freaking PAINFUL! Zzzzzz~ Alrighty, I'm not gonna talk more and I'm just gonna upload pictures and tadaaaa~ XD

As you can see, the pimple was daaaaaaaaamn huge on the first day!! It was originally really small, I didn't think it was a big deal and thought it will go away in one night, but god knows how the hell it become bigger and bigger and it hurts whenever I touch it with my itchy hand! Well, slowly it became better as time goes by. Of course, by applying that essence.

This is not bad, I guess? As I'm sure nothing is "SUPER" or "GOD LIKE" medicine, so time is surely needed for things to get better. I have a normal skin, so I'm not sure if it suits whoever have a sensitive skin, I would suggest you to consult your skin doctor before trying on the product. :)

Good day!

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Step by step simple eye shadow tutorial~

Well, I'm posting this, is not because I'm so good at doing it that I wanna post things on my own, it's only because I really suck at it so I'm posting a picture of step by step of how to draw your simple eye shadow... I'm so bad at it I would just pat one or two colours and that's it... LOL anyways I really suck at matching the colours and things!! XD I wish I could do better... maybe I just need more... practice? o.O



原文網址: 眼影怎麼畫?

Items received!

Weeks ago I bought 2 facial brushes from Taobao out of curiosity, since many say that it's nice and kinda effective (although it will take time), and most importantly, they're having promotion so I could get them in cheap price! :D Sooooo~ I decided to give them a try, and also together with some other stuff, and taadaaaa~ I've just received my stuff today!!! weeee~~ (was supposed to received it by yesterday but the stupid Malaysia postman didn't come... zzz So they come again today and yay I got them! :D)

These are what I got~ 

Shopping Trolly (RM$24)
A Trolly?? Yes... for my Boyfie's freaking huge multi-effect, and surprisingly the trolly is even big enough for this huge thingy!! o.O

Laptop Fan (RM$10)
Got myself a laptop fan because my Mac get hot easily and I don't like it when it's hot, I feel like it could blow up anytime, literally. -.-

And tadaaaaaa~ here it is, the facial brushes that I bought, they're so small and cute and damn soft when you rub them on the face!! The first brush is wider in radius, it's for large areas like cheeks and forehead and neck, wherever you wanna! :P And the second one, yes it looks small and it IS small, it's for area like nose, because, well, it's really small and your nose is small too~ XD anyways they're not pricy, in fact, they're really cheap, as I mentioned the shops were having mid year sales!! :D Lucky! ;)

Facial Brush, big
(RM$12, when I check from other place it'd be selling at the price of RM$80+ X_x)

Facial Brush, nose area. (RM$12)

I'm just really excited so I really wanna share this :P anyways you're welcome to drop a comment or question, I will be updating with the effects of the brushes then! :)