Sunday, October 27, 2013

BTC 3rd class

It's today, again! I'm sitting in the train while posting this. I have like few stops to write so it won't be long~ :)

I'm just feeling awful that I haven't done much since the second class from 2 weeks ago. Right here, right now, I'm going to list the things that I was supposed to do but haven't yet done anything. There's reasons for that, I shall give myself a review of what to do every now and then, and find a way to be more productive.

Things that I'm supposed to do in the past 2 weeks:
Demo x10(done 7 by showing videos)
Print photos for my dream board
Write a letter 
Listen to CD 

Yes, these are the things that I'm supposed to do. Now that I have written it down here I cannot anymore find any excuses to brush it away. 

I'm Arriving the station so till then!

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