Woots~ Tiring day today, been cleaning up my room since the moment I woke up today. Cleaning up, packing, getting ready to move to the new house in Sengkurong. Though some bulky stuffs will be remain until my parents get lorry to bring those things there.
Sengkurong, sounds pretty far from Bandar. It gives me this feeling of that I'm moving to somewhere which is pretty far away from the world. O.o A little too ridiculous, I know~ XD Like what NightKATz said, "welcome to the world of pian pi-ness! where everything and anything is like 325443853843946 KM away! and you will lose all your friends cos ppl cant be bothered to spend 432854648445744 hours digging for your place! YAY! xP" ha-ha that's so so so true~. See, for example if you want to go to Gadong, it will freaking take you freaking half an hour to go there. -__-" Meow~ at least still have Sengkurong Hwa Ho, SKH near by which will only take me not more than 5 minutes to walk there. And Hwa Ho Bunut which would take me not more than 5 minutes to go there, by car. Supermarkets, yes, but Sengkurong is still kind of pretty remote desu~ X_x
Wells, at least I can reach Jerudong Park faster than anyone else living in Bandar eh? .___."
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
POOR DOLPHINS!!!! >______<




The article I found was in Chinese website, so it'll be in Chinese. Kinda lazy to translate, so I'll just do a little summery. It's about the fishermen fishes for dolphin and after they got what they wanted, they bring whole boat of dolphin to some place which is near to the sea and suck their blood out... And this is the result... sigh... human...
Below will be the Chinese article... .__.
網路近來流傳4張照片,照片裡頭,海豚用鮮血染紅了整片海域。郵件主旨寫著「架殘忍!日本漁民屠殺海豚!」有網友來信問追追追這是不是真的?是的!這是真 的!每年每年,都會有超過2萬2千隻海豚在日本遭到屠殺,其中,將近2900隻會死在照片所拍攝的日本太地Taiji這地方。目前網路流傳的照片攝於 2003年10月6日,那紅,是那天60幾隻海豚流下的鮮血所染紅。
這是一個震驚國際保育界的大事件。為了把這幾張照片帶出來,海洋守護協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society;SSCS)的工作人員吃足了苦頭,還有兩人為此入獄,在日本監獄關了20多天。10月6日拍到的照片,一直等到10月底才有機會交給媒體 發布,並在11月4日登上美聯社頭條成為國際矚目的事件。我們東森ETtoday也曾經在11月6日寫過一篇很紀念性的報導。網址:看圖說故事/貓的顏色
這個事件,直到目前都還在延續中,包含加拿大、美國、巴西、澳洲、比利時、法國、德國、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、墨西哥、荷蘭等國家的保育團體,也已經多 次前往當地日本大使館抗議,而由SSCS發動的網路連署、大家寄信給日本首相小泉純一郎的活動,也早已在國際網路上發燒超過1個月,但直到目前,都還沒見 到日本政府高層做出正式的回應聲明。
儘管保護鯨豚理念已是國際間普遍共識,但日本人以其「歷史、傳統、民生、經濟」等為由,直到現在,每年都仍規劃2萬2千頭的海豚捕殺配額,甚至以研究名義 為掩護,每年前往南極海域捕抓至少440隻小鬚鯨、前往北極海域捕抓超過700隻的大型鯨類,這些鯨豚,日本人聲明是為了「研究與人類食用」,但實際上, 經過學者以DNA檢驗,發現有許多鯨豚肉被日本廠商拿來作成狗罐頭,意即這些過度的捕捉,其實很多只是單純的經濟考量,只是為了賺錢而不顧生態保育。
每年10月到隔年4月的海豚盛產季節,日本都會規劃2萬2千隻的海豚捕抓配額,其中太地擁有2900隻的屠殺權,是全日本配額最高的地方。太地位於日本和 歌山,距離東京大約西南方500公里處,也就是大阪東方一點,是個傳統漁村,人口大約只有4千人,但海豚數量極多,除了捕抓食用,當地也設有海豚訓練中心 招攬觀光客﹔前兩年,台灣花蓮海洋公園開幕時引進的海豚,也就是來自於太地。
為了查得這個證據,1977年成立於美國、以保育海洋生態為宗旨的海洋守護協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society;SSCS)國際組織,於是在2003年9月間派出3名工作人員前往太地,在這邊等候了幾個禮拜,終於拍到目前在網路上流傳的這些照片。
整個屠殺過程,在10月、11月間持續進行,終於11月18日,其中2名工作人員不忍,於是跳下海灣伸手拔去漁民架設的截欄網放掉15隻海豚,可想而知, 他們開始遭到漁民攻擊、威脅,找來當地警察後,日本警察非但沒幫他們,甚至還以非法攝影、干預捕魚等為由將他們關入大牢,直到SSCS透過律師營救、透過 國際輿論壓力,才終於在12月9日花了80萬日幣將他們保釋出來送回國。
目前SSCS是鐵了心要跟日本太地糾纏到底,整個事件還在延續。如果想要更了解、想要感受那樣的不忍照片與影片,在SSCS這個網頁中,有著許多詳盡的資 訊,裡頭也整理了清楚的抗議名單與信箱,甚至連抗議信都幫忙準備好了,只要複製一下,誰都可以很輕易的寄信到日本政府表達關心與抗議。




The article I found was in Chinese website, so it'll be in Chinese. Kinda lazy to translate, so I'll just do a little summery. It's about the fishermen fishes for dolphin and after they got what they wanted, they bring whole boat of dolphin to some place which is near to the sea and suck their blood out... And this is the result... sigh... human...
Below will be the Chinese article... .__.
網路近來流傳4張照片,照片裡頭,海豚用鮮血染紅了整片海域。郵件主旨寫著「架殘忍!日本漁民屠殺海豚!」有網友來信問追追追這是不是真的?是的!這是真 的!每年每年,都會有超過2萬2千隻海豚在日本遭到屠殺,其中,將近2900隻會死在照片所拍攝的日本太地Taiji這地方。目前網路流傳的照片攝於 2003年10月6日,那紅,是那天60幾隻海豚流下的鮮血所染紅。
這是一個震驚國際保育界的大事件。為了把這幾張照片帶出來,海洋守護協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society;SSCS)的工作人員吃足了苦頭,還有兩人為此入獄,在日本監獄關了20多天。10月6日拍到的照片,一直等到10月底才有機會交給媒體 發布,並在11月4日登上美聯社頭條成為國際矚目的事件。我們東森ETtoday也曾經在11月6日寫過一篇很紀念性的報導。網址:看圖說故事/貓的顏色
這個事件,直到目前都還在延續中,包含加拿大、美國、巴西、澳洲、比利時、法國、德國、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、墨西哥、荷蘭等國家的保育團體,也已經多 次前往當地日本大使館抗議,而由SSCS發動的網路連署、大家寄信給日本首相小泉純一郎的活動,也早已在國際網路上發燒超過1個月,但直到目前,都還沒見 到日本政府高層做出正式的回應聲明。
儘管保護鯨豚理念已是國際間普遍共識,但日本人以其「歷史、傳統、民生、經濟」等為由,直到現在,每年都仍規劃2萬2千頭的海豚捕殺配額,甚至以研究名義 為掩護,每年前往南極海域捕抓至少440隻小鬚鯨、前往北極海域捕抓超過700隻的大型鯨類,這些鯨豚,日本人聲明是為了「研究與人類食用」,但實際上, 經過學者以DNA檢驗,發現有許多鯨豚肉被日本廠商拿來作成狗罐頭,意即這些過度的捕捉,其實很多只是單純的經濟考量,只是為了賺錢而不顧生態保育。
每年10月到隔年4月的海豚盛產季節,日本都會規劃2萬2千隻的海豚捕抓配額,其中太地擁有2900隻的屠殺權,是全日本配額最高的地方。太地位於日本和 歌山,距離東京大約西南方500公里處,也就是大阪東方一點,是個傳統漁村,人口大約只有4千人,但海豚數量極多,除了捕抓食用,當地也設有海豚訓練中心 招攬觀光客﹔前兩年,台灣花蓮海洋公園開幕時引進的海豚,也就是來自於太地。
為了查得這個證據,1977年成立於美國、以保育海洋生態為宗旨的海洋守護協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society;SSCS)國際組織,於是在2003年9月間派出3名工作人員前往太地,在這邊等候了幾個禮拜,終於拍到目前在網路上流傳的這些照片。
整個屠殺過程,在10月、11月間持續進行,終於11月18日,其中2名工作人員不忍,於是跳下海灣伸手拔去漁民架設的截欄網放掉15隻海豚,可想而知, 他們開始遭到漁民攻擊、威脅,找來當地警察後,日本警察非但沒幫他們,甚至還以非法攝影、干預捕魚等為由將他們關入大牢,直到SSCS透過律師營救、透過 國際輿論壓力,才終於在12月9日花了80萬日幣將他們保釋出來送回國。
目前SSCS是鐵了心要跟日本太地糾纏到底,整個事件還在延續。如果想要更了解、想要感受那樣的不忍照片與影片,在SSCS這個網頁中,有著許多詳盡的資 訊,裡頭也整理了清楚的抗議名單與信箱,甚至連抗議信都幫忙準備好了,只要複製一下,誰都可以很輕易的寄信到日本政府表達關心與抗議。
Friday, September 28, 2007
Finally the second trial has come to an end...
Yeaps~ as the title mentioned above, second trial has finally come to an end. I can finally sleep like crazy and play my Tales Weaver~!!! XD But unfortunately it wouldn't last long as my PMB is coming in 2 weeks. Rawr~! I'll still have to study~ and after this I'm planning to go to Miri as I haven't been there for like centuries~ O.o
Sigh~ nothing much happen these days, don't know what to blog about. = =" I'm trying to write story in my wretch blog, you're all welcome to read it, it's in Chinese though. For those who don't read Chinese, sorry lar~ XD
Sigh~ nothing much happen these days, don't know what to blog about. = =" I'm trying to write story in my wretch blog, you're all welcome to read it, it's in Chinese though. For those who don't read Chinese, sorry lar~ XD
Sunday, September 23, 2007
DIE MATHS DIE~!!!!!!!!!!
Rawrrrrr~!!! I'm really really really going to die~! I'm going to have maths paper 1 and 2 tomorrow morning yet I don't even understand half of the whole thing. X_x I'm simply dead~
I just don't understand why do every time when I decided to study (When I mean decided I mean DECIDED!), there will be something important for me to do. For example like, today I went for tuition from 9 to 12 because of I'll be having my maths papers tomorrow; and went to clean my new house in Sengkurong after tuition. I was thinking of finish it early so that I can go home for my maths revision. At first I thought it'd only take us awhile but it took us the WHOLE afternoon to clean the house and when I got home it's already 8 plus plus in the night... After I went to bath or something it's already 9 and for awhile it's going to be 10 and I have to sleep early or else I'll sure start to have headache during exam. HOW ON EARTH I HAVE THE TIME TO REVISE~?! Okay, maybe I should blame myself for not revising most of the time when I'm free but wells... rawr... .__.
Good luck to me... = =""
I just don't understand why do every time when I decided to study (When I mean decided I mean DECIDED!), there will be something important for me to do. For example like, today I went for tuition from 9 to 12 because of I'll be having my maths papers tomorrow; and went to clean my new house in Sengkurong after tuition. I was thinking of finish it early so that I can go home for my maths revision. At first I thought it'd only take us awhile but it took us the WHOLE afternoon to clean the house and when I got home it's already 8 plus plus in the night... After I went to bath or something it's already 9 and for awhile it's going to be 10 and I have to sleep early or else I'll sure start to have headache during exam. HOW ON EARTH I HAVE THE TIME TO REVISE~?! Okay, maybe I should blame myself for not revising most of the time when I'm free but wells... rawr... .__.
Good luck to me... = =""
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Second trial is just in front of the eyes....
Yesh! Second trial is here!!! Which is tomorrow!! Oh gosh I'm gna die o.O" I don't think I did enough for my preparation for my second trial. Gosh I think I forgot almost everything I've studied... Hopefully I manage to score good marks for all the subjects and without failing any...
Okai now, I have this little rant here which caused by our dearest P.E teacher. She's... okay you'll know after reading my dialog here~
Walking back to the class from toilet, saw that everyone was standing up in the class.
(Knocked on the door and got into the class, stood at my seat.)
Teacher : And why this lady came into the class this late? (In a impatient tune.)
Me : I went to the toilet.
Teacher : Why did you take so long, huh? (In a tune of suspecting, still impatient.)
Me : ... I had a stomach ache.
Teacher : See, that's what will happen if you don't do exercises regularly.
Me : ... er... I ate something wrong... (Was being a little sarcastic.)
Teacher : ... (Paused for a little while and continued), you would have vomited earlier if you really ate something wrong. (And continued with something else...).
Me : (Why must I vomit if I eat something wrong? Actually you're just being ridiculous...).
Rawr~ funny man funny = =". And the rest of her scoldings were also some kind of gibberish. You ask me if I felt guilty? No, and I don't know what on earth the reason was when she came into the class and scolded us, by the way, I wasn't there when she just came in. And I really had a stomach ache in the early morning. Well, that doesn't hurt me whether she believes it or not, so, like I care? Unless she put me a silly punishment and ask me to run the field for rounds, that I'd probably get freak out. Meh, silly school with silly teachers.
And OWH! I just remembered about Alfret, one of my class mate, he got pushed by Mr. Ang today during science period when Hema wasn't around (She went to the Form3B for the giving the note to them). At first Mr. Ang was just walking pass by the corridor and suddenly, he stood by at the window side, he looked at Alfret and pointed him to go out of the class with his face in anger. Alfret felt weird but he stood up and walk towards the door while Mr. And was coming in too. Mr. Ang pushed Alfret and yelled: "I really want to punch you in your face, you know?". He kept scolding for a few seconds and while he walking out he pointed at Alfret and yelling the words out: "If I don't see you cut your hair tomorrow then you'll know what I'd do." The whole class paused there and no one dared to make a noise. Alfret kind of rubbing his chest while Mr. Ang walking out. "What tha hella that teacher isa thinkeng?" Yes, Nadia and I had the same thought. Okai~ you pushed him just because of this small matter...
Okai now, I have this little rant here which caused by our dearest P.E teacher. She's... okay you'll know after reading my dialog here~
Walking back to the class from toilet, saw that everyone was standing up in the class.
(Knocked on the door and got into the class, stood at my seat.)
Teacher : And why this lady came into the class this late? (In a impatient tune.)
Me : I went to the toilet.
Teacher : Why did you take so long, huh? (In a tune of suspecting, still impatient.)
Me : ... I had a stomach ache.
Teacher : See, that's what will happen if you don't do exercises regularly.
Me : ... er... I ate something wrong... (Was being a little sarcastic.)
Teacher : ... (Paused for a little while and continued), you would have vomited earlier if you really ate something wrong. (And continued with something else...).
Me : (Why must I vomit if I eat something wrong? Actually you're just being ridiculous...).
Rawr~ funny man funny = =". And the rest of her scoldings were also some kind of gibberish. You ask me if I felt guilty? No, and I don't know what on earth the reason was when she came into the class and scolded us, by the way, I wasn't there when she just came in. And I really had a stomach ache in the early morning. Well, that doesn't hurt me whether she believes it or not, so, like I care? Unless she put me a silly punishment and ask me to run the field for rounds, that I'd probably get freak out. Meh, silly school with silly teachers.
And OWH! I just remembered about Alfret, one of my class mate, he got pushed by Mr. Ang today during science period when Hema wasn't around (She went to the Form3B for the giving the note to them). At first Mr. Ang was just walking pass by the corridor and suddenly, he stood by at the window side, he looked at Alfret and pointed him to go out of the class with his face in anger. Alfret felt weird but he stood up and walk towards the door while Mr. And was coming in too. Mr. Ang pushed Alfret and yelled: "I really want to punch you in your face, you know?". He kept scolding for a few seconds and while he walking out he pointed at Alfret and yelling the words out: "If I don't see you cut your hair tomorrow then you'll know what I'd do." The whole class paused there and no one dared to make a noise. Alfret kind of rubbing his chest while Mr. Ang walking out. "What tha hella that teacher isa thinkeng?" Yes, Nadia and I had the same thought. Okai~ you pushed him just because of this small matter...
Monday, September 17, 2007
To NoObKiA~ See you next century~ XD
Nyahahahaha~ Kiat is back down to Miri already. You said that you will be seeing us at the end of this year around end of November or next year; but I'm not sure when can I see you again, a good friend of mine. Really depressing to know that I might not going to see you anymore. Anyways, take good care there yeah~! X3
Friday, September 14, 2007
Leaving is sad... TT___TT
Great now I have to install the latest Windows Live Messenger in order to continue to use my messenger when I don't usually like to download new ones to use. And that mean I have to download new MessPatch for my new messenger. Troublesome. -__-"
Anyways, slept over Evon's house for 2 days and went to the dance teacher, Teacher Michelle Dong's farewell activity in air port on Wednesday. Actually I wasn't suppose to take part in that activity but I had to accompany Evon or I had to stay at her house alone from 11am to 1am since the time of departure was on 12 something in the noon. The whole thing was okay to me but not the last part, the moment they all shouted for "董老師再見!!!" (Farewell, Teacher Dong!!!), first was the girls before teacher about to board, after girls shouted it was the boys' turn, from upstairs (they ran up to the RBC part and waited). Girls were all shocked when the boys shouted it from upstairs. I was almost burst out of tears but I was able to held it back and managed to not to let anyone notice about it, indeed it was really sad as I understand the feeling of leaving is sad, really sad; especially the teacher and the students were together for at least three years, the memories of happiness and sadness, nothing can replace them, but also, the fact of leaving is also something can't be avoided.
Two of my close friends, Siaw Tan, a person whose like my elder sister; Norika, knew this Malay girl when I was working in Utama Grand; they're both going to UK today, this evening, 7:30pm flight. It's a little sad that I might not be able to send them, and it's been long time that I haven't got time to meet up with them. But as they're only there to study, so we'll still be able to meet up with each other next time when they're back. =] Good luck to both of you when you both reach there! =D Take good care of yourself!!! I'm gna miss you both here... TT____TT
Anyways, slept over Evon's house for 2 days and went to the dance teacher, Teacher Michelle Dong's farewell activity in air port on Wednesday. Actually I wasn't suppose to take part in that activity but I had to accompany Evon or I had to stay at her house alone from 11am to 1am since the time of departure was on 12 something in the noon. The whole thing was okay to me but not the last part, the moment they all shouted for "董老師再見!!!" (Farewell, Teacher Dong!!!), first was the girls before teacher about to board, after girls shouted it was the boys' turn, from upstairs (they ran up to the RBC part and waited). Girls were all shocked when the boys shouted it from upstairs. I was almost burst out of tears but I was able to held it back and managed to not to let anyone notice about it, indeed it was really sad as I understand the feeling of leaving is sad, really sad; especially the teacher and the students were together for at least three years, the memories of happiness and sadness, nothing can replace them, but also, the fact of leaving is also something can't be avoided.
Two of my close friends, Siaw Tan, a person whose like my elder sister; Norika, knew this Malay girl when I was working in Utama Grand; they're both going to UK today, this evening, 7:30pm flight. It's a little sad that I might not be able to send them, and it's been long time that I haven't got time to meet up with them. But as they're only there to study, so we'll still be able to meet up with each other next time when they're back. =] Good luck to both of you when you both reach there! =D Take good care of yourself!!! I'm gna miss you both here... TT____TT
Saturday, September 08, 2007
New layout [ YUI ]
WELCOME MY NEW LAYOUT, YUI, TO MY BLOG!!!!!! *clap clap clap...*
Just done with my new layout, YUI. LOVE HER LOTS! X3 I used the lyrics of 'Skyline', I want to fly well; and translation lyric from 'Life', the wings that I use to fly away are still invisible. This two sentences of lyrics kind of match to each other and yes, I like it. =D And the new logo in my blog that at the corner of my blog, 'Ai Saretai', it's also taken from the lyric of 'Life', translation will be 'I want to be loved'. Not because of anything but just like this words. =] Just recently downloaded all YUI's songs, they're nice! X3
Just done with my new layout, YUI. LOVE HER LOTS! X3 I used the lyrics of 'Skyline', I want to fly well; and translation lyric from 'Life', the wings that I use to fly away are still invisible. This two sentences of lyrics kind of match to each other and yes, I like it. =D And the new logo in my blog that at the corner of my blog, 'Ai Saretai', it's also taken from the lyric of 'Life', translation will be 'I want to be loved'. Not because of anything but just like this words. =] Just recently downloaded all YUI's songs, they're nice! X3
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