Lol, yesh, surprisingly that I'm online, at home!!! O.o Not to be too surprised, 'cos my dad just discovered this last night, that we can actually get connected to one of the wireless modem which is near to my place. However, the signal is really low due to some reason so I have to bring the laptop to the balcony to online... I suppose the modem should be located quite some distance to my house eh? Anyhow, I'm blogging! Wheeeee!! XD
First of all here, I shall greet a Happy Belated Birthday to two of my dearest friends~ =] Mei Qing and Naddie~ x3 All the best wishes to you both thought I didn't manage to greet you personally on Mei Qing's birthday, and sorry Naddie that I left your present at the school in my class when Andy, Julian and I was rushing to find eVon that day... wells, if you are coming to Chung Hwa, don't forget to tell me one day before the day you're coming, so that I can bring the present to you! =D
Owh, hmm, I haven't been practicing driving since a month a go, and that was when I failed my law exam. My driving instructor said that, I'll only continue my driving lessons after I got my law result pass. But wells, I still failed at the end.. = =" and I have to retake it again on 27th of this month. Meh...
Holiday is here, and I somehow owe lots of scripts and compositions to my teacher... Argh~ Chinese! = =" But well, since I've already decided to do something better before I graduated from my middle school, I'd do it then~ meow~ wish me good luck~ .__.
Students in my school has started preparing and asking other students to join houses activities, and I joined high jump, long jump and ping pong, wells, I said I was gna do something before I graduated~ XP Though I still don't understand how can Pei gets injured that EASILY even just by doing a simple sport... .__." and she kept nagging at me about her injury though she injured herself... = =" Oh lol, Mary and I were supposed to go hiking at the Tasek but ended up the family brought us to shopping until 5 and we ended up jogging at Subok hill only... man... = ="