Sunday, July 30, 2006


Aight, it's sunday again today. Gonna go to school tomorrow again, don't really feel like going, but have to go anyways. Going to my uncle's place to sleep tonight, he'll come around 9 something later and pick us up I think. Mosquitoes flying in my room, gawd! I got bitten by them! = =" And lead's song is playing, their song is like so childsih, and I somehow feel weird with the dance. ^^"

Well, I just got a messege from my mom from Taiwan. Said that she's at home at Taiwan already, and I'm glad to know that. =) Anyways, I think I'm having a little sore throat, forgot how you spell it. =b It kinda hurts when I try to yawn everytime.

By the way, I just watched a bit of anime this afternoon. It's called 'Paradise Kiss'. Kind a nice and old anime. It's storyline is like, about a person with cloth designing dream and romance anime. They're only 12 episodes altogether, short huh? Well, I found a link of that anime to you guys. Hopefully it'd be a nice anime to you guys. =) Here I ciao first. ^-^

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